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Sports Psychology 

Mental toughness training typically involves developing strategies to help individuals cope with stress, manage their emotions, and stay focused on their goals.

It can involve activities such as mindfulness meditation, cognitive restructuring, goal setting, and positive self-talk. Developing a process that includes physical activities such as running, yoga, strength training and personal development.

A winning attitude involves having a clear focus on the desired outcome. setting achievable goals, and using values based decision-making to achieve those goals. Mentally tough individuals and teams should should also be able to adapt to changing conditions and be able to learn from mistakes. Ben will show you how to declutter your mind and create a mindful approach to winning.

Personal reflection and introspection will guide you to take advantage of opportunities to improve performance.

Quieting your mind allows for deeper thinking with clearer pathways to success.

Ben believes Sports Psychology is highly individualized, he will help customize a plan that works perfectly for you. Dream achievement is within your reach with proper guidance

1. Developing Mental Toughness
2. Strategies for Enhancing Performance
3. Mental Training for Peak Performance
4. Overcoming Performance Anxiety
5. Developing a Positive Mindset
6. Building Self-Confidence 
7. Creating a Winning Mindset
8. Developing Mental Focus and Concentration
9. Understanding the Psychology of Team Dynamics
10. Developing Mental Resilience in Sports

Teen Toughness

I will help discover and define personal core values and develop decision making processes that will tie to goals, purpose and winning.

Guide teens to create a mindset of certainty in a world of uncertainty.

Impartially support and navigate teems in the college application/decision process.

I teach teens to think from a macro and micro prospective about life decisions like: college, navigating high school, dealing with difficult issues teens face everyday, developing personal friendships and bonds through active self awareness and enhanced communication skills.

I teach teens how to “Win the Day.”

  1. Encourage teens to practice problem-solving skills. Help them identify the problem, brainstorm potential solutions, and evaluate the pros and cons of each solution.
  2. Teach teens to think critically. Encourage them to ask questions, analyze information, and draw conclusions.
  3. Model good decision-making. Show teens how to weigh the consequences of their decisions and how to make decisions that are in their best interest.
  4. Help teens understand the importance of taking responsibility for their decisions. Encourage them to think through the consequences of their decisions and to accept the consequences of their choices.
  5. Provide teens with opportunities to practice making decisions. Give them choices and allow them to make decisions about their activities, such as what to wear or what to eat.
  6. Help teens understand the importance of considering other people’s perspectives. Encourage them to think about how their decisions will affect others.
  7. Teach teens to recognize and manage their emotions. Help them understand how their emotions can influence their decisions and how to make decisions without being influenced by their emotions.

Team Building 101 

I work with teams building skills and process to win including: Communication, collaboration, problem solving, decision making, trust building, conflict resolution, goal setting and leadership.

Getting teams on the same page and progressing relentlessly forward toward very specific, meaningful and attainable goals with passion, determination and drive.

Work with teams to develop a top to bottom winning mindset, attitude and focus on the pursuit of a championship program. Champions are not made overnight, they need to be committed to the long term with relentless resilience and conviction. Ben has helped teams win on the junior, high school, collegiate, olympic and professional levels.

Coach talking to players